I live in your Cadboro Bay. I have been following the abstract townhome project.
This morning I sent the following letter to Mayor Murdock and Council regarding the 4080 Haro Road development included in tonight’s agenda as I am unable to attend in person.
Kind regards,
Deborah Dickson
bio –
former co-founder of the Salish Sea Biosphere Initiative
past chair of the CBRA Haro Woods Committee and
spokesperson for the Save Haro Woods campaign representing the community as a committee member on the CRD EastSide committee during the sewage treatment discussions
for your review
September 24, 2024
Dear Mayor and Council,
I am writing in response to item D2 on the agenda tonight.
I support the Gordon Head Resident’ Assn in their assessment regarding the 4080 Gordon Head Road Townhome development citing concerns over density and traffic.
As reported, Letters received by the GHRA from the pubic also noted concerns over density, as well as “massing, parking traffic and neighbourhood character.”
Do not approve the amendment bylaw as it is not in line with the community and the Gordon Head Residents’ Association.
Good Day,
I live in your Cadboro Bay. I have been following the abstract townhome project.
This morning I sent the following letter to Mayor Murdock and Council regarding the 4080 Haro Road development included in tonight’s agenda as I am unable to attend in person.
Kind regards,
Deborah Dickson
bio –
former co-founder of the Salish Sea Biosphere Initiative
past chair of the CBRA Haro Woods Committee and
spokesperson for the Save Haro Woods campaign representing the community as a committee member on the CRD EastSide committee during the sewage treatment discussions
for your review
September 24, 2024
Dear Mayor and Council,
I am writing in response to item D2 on the agenda tonight.
I support the Gordon Head Resident’ Assn in their assessment regarding the 4080 Gordon Head Road Townhome development citing concerns over density and traffic.
As reported, Letters received by the GHRA from the pubic also noted concerns over density, as well as “massing, parking traffic and neighbourhood character.”
Do not approve the amendment bylaw as it is not in line with the community and the Gordon Head Residents’ Association.
Deborah Dickson