Shawn Steele (President)

was born raised in Victoria and has lived in Gordon Head since 2011.  He served two years on the Saanich Planning, Transportation and Economic Committee.  Shawn has founded three non-profit and has volunteered for many non-profits in a variety of positions over the past 20 years.  He managed a small business for 15 years and now manages commercial properties (not developers).  Shawn is a social entrepreneur and has a passion for community development, economic development and road safety.


  1. Dear Shawn Steele (President, GHCA),

    I’m contacting you in relation to our property, situated in the Gordon Head area of Saanich which falls under the “Feltham Village” per recently approved OCP by the City.

    We are preparing for a Townhouse development at this location. In order to run the project smoothly we are aiming to engage the community early in the process.

    It would be great to meet with you and the Gordan Head Resident’s Association to discuss the project. Please let us know your availability.

    I could not find your email address on Saanich website to request same.

    • Hi Sean, you have reached a group that definitely shares some of your concerns. I will get this note in front of Shawn and the rest of the board of the GHCA.

  2. March 4th, 2025

    Hello, Gordon Head Community Association

    My name is Karen Ledger, and I have been speaking regularly at the Saanich Council Meetings regarding the devastating effect of the Government supported United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are having on our Municipality, the elimination of Local Community Plans and the overwhelming and overreaching powers they have taken over our Municipality.

    The NDP collaboration with the Urban Development Institute is part of that initiative that is destroying our Neighbourhoods. They are unlikely to back down on this. The Housing Bills, with quota’s demanded by the NDP for various cities have removed all rights of the Municipal Councils and trashed the LCPs. The NDP have also passed two other Bills that are affecting our well-being and property rights. Bill 301 The Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Bill, and Bill 36, the Health Professionals and Occupations Act ~ that has driven thousands of our top level, experienced Health Care Professionals in 15 categories, to either retire early or leave British Columbia altogether. And few want to come to this Province because of the Government overreach of Bill 36.

    Because of the NDP’s overreach I have, for the first time in my life joined the Conservative Party of BC. Having met with their leader, John Rustad, and knowing their party platform to is restore health, prosperity and citizen-led initiatives, I believe they are our only hope of saving our Province.

    I am hoping that some of your membership might like to join our NEW, and modernized BC. Conservative Riding Association, so that Oak Bay and Gordon Head communities can have our voices heard and regain some of our autonomy in creating a community WE and our children and Grandchildren want, and can afford to live in.

    My parents were Community Builders in Greater Victoria, commencing in the late 1940’s and participated in many Service Clubs and Community initiatives, through Jaycees, Gyro’s and our Church. They created parks (think Gyro Park in Cadboro Bay), Baseball diamonds, and my father and his fellow Jaycees, even designed and dug the Welcome to Victoria Flower sign in the Inner Harbour. I think they must be rolling over in their graves at the devastation occurring today.

    I am a Nurse and Health Educator and have never been very active in politics. However, these challenging times are a clarion call for ACTION and we must move quickly, before it is too late.

    I see that the SAVE OUR SAANICH group has contacted you as well. I would be grateful to find their contact information; which I should have asked for at all the Council meeting!

    Thank you for wading through this email. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Karen E Ledger, BSc.Nursing, RN (retired)
    4030 Magdelin Street,
    Victoria, BC. V8N 3M7
    phone: 250 480-9603

    I would be grateful to speak to any or all of your Board members

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