Abstract Developments – 4080 Gordon Head Rd

Saanich Council is proceeding with a Public Hearing to amend the new Official Community Plan to permit a four storey building at 4080 Gordon Head Road, at the northwest corner of Gordon Head Road and Feltham. The exact date has yet to be scheduled, though Saanich staff indicated it may be held around the end of September.

Abstract Developments’ current 93 unit condominium and townhouse proposal at the corner of Feltham has evolved over the years.  In an early 2018 proposal by a different applicant, plans for either 32 or 37 three storey townhouses with at-grade suites were presented to both the GHCA and Saanich Planning staff. At that time, Saanich staff expressed reservations citing density, probable neighbourhood opposition, parking and traffic impacts, intersection safety, and the fact the site was not designated as a  “village” that would be amenable to higher densities.

That townhouse proposal was withdrawn and replaced by an application in late 2018 for a seven lot subdivision. Even though secondary and/or garden suites would likely accompany the principal dwellings, the GHCA felt the increase in density was acceptable and supported the application. This application also did not proceed and instead the lot was sold to Abstract. The assessed value of this 1.7 acre lot has increased from $1.6 million in 2016, to $4.2 million in 2020, and to $5.8 million in 2023. 

Abstract representatives presented their proposal for a four storey, 76 unit condominium building and 23 three storey townhouses to the GHCA in early February 2020. The presentation was attended by about 20 residents who outlined several reasons why they opposed the proposal. It was noted that, of approximately 60 adjacent residents who responded to a door to door poll, only one did not object to it. Many of those polled had attended an Abstract-sponsored open house in November 2019.  In its February 2020 referral response to Saanich Planning, the GHCA  asked that the development be scaled down significantly if it was to conform to the goals and policies of Saanich’s adopted plans as they existed at that time. 

Fast forward to 2024. Abstract has reduced the number of units from 97 to 93 (70 condos and 23 townhouses). More importantly the regulatory environment has changed, including housing targets set by the Provincial Government, the demise of single family dwelling zones in favour of small scale multiunit housing, and a new Official Community Plan that relegates Local Area Plans to minor advisory roles. In its May 2024 submission to Saanich Planning the GHCA  set out six reasons why it could not support the application. As one example, the number of resident, visitor, and cafe parking spaces falls 50 stalls short of what the bylaw would normally require. This will result in spillover to adjacent residential streets, already filled with vehicles belonging to secondary suite occupants.       

In a detailed report to Council, Saanich Planning is recommending the application be approved. “Development on this site would support a 15 minute walkable community, sensitive density near frequent transit routes, active transportation infrastructure, parks, an emerging Centre, and an increase in housing units and housing diversity in an area that is lacking.” Perhaps Saanich Planning was swayed in part by Abstract’s Sustainability Statement to Saanich Mayor and Council. Referencing its community engagement sessions Abstract stated, “We found the majority of the respondents were excited to see new, quality, family oriented housing stock added to their community.”

Looking back, it is unfortunate that neither the 32 to 37 unit townhouse nor the seven lot subdivision proposals proceeded. (At that time, the development company expected their 1700 sq. ft townhouses would sell for $850,000, including a 400 sq. ft. suite that would be rented for around $1200 per month). We now have a project that proposes three times the density of the 2018 proposal on a lot that has tripled in assessed value in anticipation of rezoning.


  1. I’m very concerned that the density of this development is inconsistent with the character and feel of the neighbourhood. Further, the increased traffic is far beyond what Gordon Head Road and nearby roads can handle. This will create a transportation gridlock and decrease the livability and enjoyment of the community.

    I have talked to many residents and literally everyone is opposed this development as proposed. I hope that council will consider the opinion of the local community when considering this community wrecking proposal.

    This is a lovely community and we can provide new housing but it should be in a way that maintains the character of this beloved neighborhood and does not negatively impact day to day life for our residents through traffic flows beyond what the infrastructure can accommodate.

  2. I’m looking forward to this development as the municipality continues to invest in necessary housing infrastructure that has long been strangled by NIMBYism and “I got mine” attitudes of councils and communities past.

    That being said, traffic considerations cannot be overstated given the lack of similar investment for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians – and no, more inefficiently timed traffic lights are not an appropriate solution.

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